
a. Welcomes a new priest, introduces St. Mark Parish Pastoral Council Members; offers informational assistance.

b. Works closely with the Parish Priest, helping him to identify the needs and the concerns of the parish

c. Checks meeting minutes with the Parish Priest before they are circulated to the council members

d. Keeps the parish informed about the activities of the parish council

e. Checks that committee co-ordinators submit written reports for the regular meetings of the council

f. Motivates and encourages committee co-ordinators and members to fulfill their responsibilities

and where possible, give assistance.

g. Motivates and encourages members of the parish to participate in the activities and programs

of the Parish Committees.

h. Works closely with the vice-chairperson, keeping him/her informed at all times.

Recording Secretary

a. Works closely with the Chairperson and vice-chairperson

b. Works closely with the Parish Secretary to ensure that the transactions of the council are properly recorded, filed and circulated.

c. Takes responsibility for all clerical matters that are particular to the parish council.

(This position is not to be confused with the duties of the Parish Secretary.)

Liturgy Committee

This committee is primarily concerned with the Church mission of a “prayerful celebration of our faith.” As written in the Vatican II document, The Constitution of the Sacred Liturgy:

“It is the liturgy through which, especially in the divine sacrifice of the Eucharist, the work of our redemption is accomplished, and it is through the liturgy that the faithful are enabled to express in their lives and manifest to others the mystery of Christ and the real nature of the true church.”

Its call includes everything that is useful to provide meaningful liturgies for the celebration of the Sacraments, for the worship of God in connection with the different events of parish life, and the promotion and encouragement of prayer at the individual, family and parish levels.

Our Aim: The full, conscious and active participation of all parishioners.


a. Working with and assisting the priest in liturgical celebrations.

  1. Overseeing and coordinating the activities and schedules of various subcommittee and committee members including:

  1. Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

  2. Music

  3. Lay Presiders

  4. Commentators, Intercessions and Readers

  5. Ushers and Hospitality

  6. Sacristy and decor

  7. Altar servers

  8. Devotions

  9. Sacraments: Including Baptism, Communion/Confirmation/Baptism

  10. Children’s Liturgy

  11. Communion to the Sick

  12. Weddings and Funerals

c. Ensuring the availability of appropriate and adequate training for the various ministries

d. Working with the Parish Priest to prepare special liturgies and striving to accommodate the families involved with respect, compassion and integrity.

e. Promoting awareness and understanding of liturgy and its importance in living our faith.

Protocol Committee


This committee is concerned with the protection of the Children, Youth and Vulnerable Adults. Its call is to promote the “Our Living Covenant” of the Diocese.


  1. Assumes responsibility for maintaining all the necessary paperwork.

  2. Insures that all parishioners working with children, youth and vulnerable adults are properly screened.

  3. Ensures that all the protocol policies as outlined by the diocese are implemented in the parish.

  4. Showing the Annual refresher video created by the diocese.

Youth Committee


This committee is concerned with the continued spiritual growth and personal development of the youth of our parish. Its call is to bring Catholic youth together to deepen their faith in Christ and to be a visible group of our Christian faithful, involved in our Christian community in their special way. “You are special. You are the Catholic Church of today and tomorrow.”


  1. Assumes responsibility for the youth program(s) which is to further develop the faith and Catholic education of our youth following Confirmation

  2. Is to have youth programs approved by the Parish Priest

  3. Coordinates meetings of the youth group such that they are inclusive of:

    1. Prayer

    2. Faith Education

    3. Action

    4. Socialization

  4. Encourages youth participation in various ministries of the parish such as altar server, usher, hospitality, lector, music, education, liturgy, social committee and community life.

  5. Encourages participation in retreats, pilgrimages, Catholic youth camps, etc.

  6. Acts as liaison between the Parish Priest, council and youth by attending council meetings to report and discuss the activities of the youth.

  7. Prepares an annual budget to present to the Parish Finance Council.

  8. Functions in accordance with the diocesan guidelines and works in liaison with the Diocesan Director of Youth Ministry.

Adult Education Committee


This Committee is concerned with the Prophetic Mission of an authentic proclamation of our faith according to the Word of God as held and proclaimed in the Roman Catholic Church to the adult members of the parish. This will enable them to 'to offer themselves as holy, living sacrifices to God'. Faith Education is not just about personal faith development. James in his letter to all Christians notes that faith without works is dead. Adult Education empowers our parishioners so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work. (II Tim 3:17)


  1. Develops and/or organizes Baptism preparation, R.C.I.A. and any other adult faith education programs.

  2. Develops and/or organizes programs directed at properly and adequately preparing parishioners who will be delivering the programs

  3. Promotes and encourages the adults and, where appropriate, families of the parish to participate in the activities and programs of the committee

  4. Ensures that all adult faith formation and education programs are approved by the Diocese of Prince Albert.

  5. Works in consultation with the Diocesan Adult Education Coordinator

  6. Organizes and oversees the parish library.

Community Life Committee


This committee is concerned with the Shepherding Mission of the laity and involves the development of a caring, hospitable and familial faith community, living the love of Christ for His people. Its call is to promote fellowship, to develop ways of bringing the Parish Community together to celebrate in fellowship and to work in familial harmony.


  1. Welcome new people to the parish, provides them with an information package (Mass times, directory etc . . . )

  2. Arranges for a farewell for parishioners that are leaving

  3. Develops and provides social events to bring the parish together to strengthen the bonds of love and community. (i.e., socials, picnics, card parties, fall suppers, potluck meals, entertainment, etc.) The committee will make a special effort to invite and involve those in the faith community who rarely participate in the life of the parish.

  4. Organize meal projects for the parish

  5. Assumes responsibility for Graduation and Christmas Gifts and photograph of special events

  6. Assumes responsibility for establishing and maintaining the parish archives.

Social Justice Committee


This committee is concerned with the Shepherding (service) Mission of the laity as it relates to moral issues, the rights related to the dignity and worth of the human person, respect for God’s creation and the sanctity of life. Its call includes the proper care of the different groups in our parish and care for those with special needs and concerns. It is a special caring committee that reaches out a hand with love to the sick, lonely and elderly of our parish and encourages actions directed at righting injustice.


  1. Promoting awareness and action in the Parish Community and community at large, local and international social issues. Including but not limited to:

i) Dignity of the Human Person

ii) Common Good and Community

iii) Rights and Responsibilities

iv) Pro-Life Issues

v) Solidarity and Preferential Option for the Poor

vi) Peace and Disarmament issues

vii) Stewardship of God’s creation

viii) Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers

ix) Role of Government and principle of Subsidiary

  1. Selecting a subcommittee that will be responsible for outreach programs such as visitations to shut-ins, hospitals, nursing homes, the lonely, widowed, separated and disadvantaged.

  2. Bringing in special speakers for information and/or workshops

  3. Working in consultation with Social Justice organizations within the church and the broader community.

Member at Large


The Member at Large shall attend all meetings, be a liaison with parishioners in general and assist in any area of interest.

Finance Council

The following is from the Diocese of Prince Albert – Parish Finance Council Policy


Canon 532 of the Codes of Canon Law establishes that “The Parish Priest represents the parish in all juridical affairs in accord with the norm of the law; he is to see to it that the goods of the parish are administered in accord with the norms of canons 1281-1288.”

The Pastor of the parish is therefore the sole person responsible and must answer to the bishop for the good administration of the parish of which he has been given charge.

To assist him in his task as an administrator, the Code of Canon Law, can.537 directs that: “Each parish is to have a finance council which is regulated by universal law as well as by norms issued by the diocesan bishop; in this council the Christian faithful, selected according to the same norms, aid the Pastor in the administration of parish goods with due regard for the prescription of can.532.”

It is a new concept in the law that every parish must have a finance council. Its counterpart on the diocesan level is seen in canons 492-493 which oblige the diocesan bishop, the sole person responsible for the administration of the diocese, to choose and constitute a Diocesan Financial Council, composed of competent people in financial affairs.

While the Parish, or Diocesan Pastoral Councils are consultative in nature, with the duty to search and make known to the pastor or bishop, the pastoral needs of the parish or the diocese, the Parish Finance Council, as the Diocesan Financial Council, will have a deliberative voice in certain areas. This means that the bishop or pastor must consult with their Finance Council in important matters and cannot proceed without their Finance Council approval.

It is therefore important that the Parish Finance Council, as is the Diocesan Finance Council, be distinct from the Pastoral Councils, while keeping good communications and relations between the two bodies.

While the members of the Pastoral Council are elected by their peers, it is important that the Parish Finance Council be selected, at least in majority, by the pastor whom they are to assist in the administration of the parish.

Diocesan Policy (of Finance Council)

  1. “Each parish is to have a finance council which is regulated by universal law as well as by norms issued by the diocesan bishop; in this council the Christian faithful, selected according to the same norms, aid the pastor in the administration of parish goods with due regard for the prescription of can.532.

2. The Parish Finance Council should be comprised of no less than three and no more than seven members of the parish community who are in good standing with the Church and whose expertise will help the pastor in the good administration of the finances and goods of the parish.

3. The members of the Parish Finance Council will be selected, at least in majority, by the pastor.

4. The Parish Finance Council will be distinct from the Pastoral Council, while keeping good communications and relations between the two bodies.

5. Areas for which the Parish Finance Council, in the Prince Albert Roman Catholic Diocese, has been assigned a deliberative role as a result of the universal law or the norms laid down by the diocesan bishop are:

a. Parish budgets: A parish budget cannot be adopted by a parish unless it has been approved by the Parish Finance Council.

b. Capital projects: All capital projects in a parish must have the approval of the Parish Finance Council.

c. Diocesan approval: Any budget, capital or other expenditure requiring diocesan approval must be first approved by the Parish Finance Council. (Appendix 6, Diocesan Financial Regulations)

d. Reserve or surplus expenditure: Any expenditure requiring the use of funds in the reserve or surplus accounts of a parish must be approved by the Parish Finance Council.

e. Deviations from the budget: There are times when, regardless of how well a budget was prepared; the cost of something ends up being more than what was originally budgeted.

f. Therefore, the Finance Council will, at intervals not to exceed four months, compare actual expenditures to budgeted amounts and, where required, revise the budget to insure that any shortfalls will not adversely affect the well being of the Parish. When revisions are made, it shall be the responsibility of the Finance Council to inform all affected committees and programs.

Description (of Parish Finance Council)

The Finance Council works independently, but in conjunction with the parish Council. This council is concerned with the Service mission of the laity and to assisting the Parish Priest in the administration of the gifts and the goods of the parish with care and wisdom. Its call includes directing its efforts and deliberations toward the financial well being of the parish, enhancing the mission of the parish with appropriate finances, facilities and resources and assisting the Parish Priest in matters of personnel and facility management.


a) Ensuring that bookkeeping, auditing and budgetary functions are adequately completed.

b) Securing the collection of parish funds and ensuring the proper recording and receipting of parishioner donations

c) Arranging for the preparation of monthly financial statements for Parish Pastoral council meetings

d) Keeping informed and up-to-date about the finances of the parish and arranging for the preparation and presentation of financial statements as needed by the Parish Pastoral Council, the diocese and the government.

e) Ensuring the prompt payment of outstanding accounts

f) Developing, in cooperation with all appropriate committees and organizations, processes for the preparing, reviewing and approving budgets

g) Developing, in consultation with the Parish Pastoral Council, an annual overall parish budget

h) Insuring that all of properties, facilities and equipment of the parish are inspected on a regular basis and, when required, make recommendations for repairs, renovations and/or replacement.

I) Developing processes of establishing, prioritizing and reviewing short and long term plans directed at ensuring adequate financing of future requirements.

j) Ensuring that the church property and equipment are properly serviced, maintained and insured

k) Assist the Parish Priest in matters of personnel including;

- clearly defining the responsibilities and duties of the staff

- the hiring process

- developing personnel policies

- developing processes for fairly and appropriately evaluating staff

- making recommendation for staff development and training

- developing procedures through which the parish personnel can communicate their concerns and needs and through which harmonious working relationships are fostered.

l) Arranging and participating in joint finance meetings with the finance committees of other parishes under the charge of the Parish Priest at which matter of mutual interest are discussed

m) Developing policies regarding the goods of the parish, and the use of the facilities.